Sharing a Presentation

In addition to being able to present your frames yourself, you can share this presentation with others. However sharing in Scoop is much more than just sharing a static deck. When you share, you are provided with a web link that can be sent to whomever you choose. That link will open up the live presentation for your canvas with it completely interactive. Those that you share it with will be able to filter, drill, change sheetlet values, etc. directly in that canvas - delivering to them effectively a live data application in their browser.

Clicking on the share icon in the upper right of your canvas brings up the sharing dialog.

This dialog allows you to share your presentation with people three different way:

  • Invitation only: With this option, only the people you expressly invite to your shared live presentation will be able to access it. With this option you can require people to have a Scoop account to authenticate them and ensure they are the only ones who can access this presentation. With this option, you can optionally (see below) filter the data in this presentation for them such that each person is delivered their own slice of data. For example, one might filter the presentation for different sales regions and provide to each sales manager the data only for their region.
  • Private: This creates a live link to your presentation that only you can use.
  • Anyone with link: This essentially creates a public link so that anyone with the link can click on it and utilize it. In effect, you are creating a public website with this link.

Sharing Filtered Presentations (for personalized data)

When sharing with Invitation Only, one can choose to "Restrict Access with Prompts". If there are prompts in your canvas, those prompts can be preset for individual users. Each user you invite can have a different set of prompt values, allowing you to prefilter or preset your canvas for each target. This provides the ability to secure organization data such that individuals or groups only see the data that applies to them when sharing from a single workspace.