Presenting a Canvas


With Scoop, you can overlay on your canvas frames. These frames function as containers that represent slides in a presentation. You can place a frame anywhere on a canvas that you like. Begin by selecting the Add Frame option in the edit toolbar to the left and then clicking where you would like to place it. When you do, you can select the frame and move it around with your mouse. If you would like to change the name of the frame, you can double click on the name in the upper left.

Once you've placed it where you like you can change some of the frame's settings. When a frame is selected you will notice a frame toolbar on the bottom:

  • Background color: you can set the background color of the frame.
  • Background image: you can use a background image for the frame for more stylized backgrounds.
  • Size: you can change the frame's size (large, medium, small)
  • Manage frames: you can access the manage frames window from here
  • Set frame as thumbnail: if you would like the canvas thumbnail to be a single frame, Scoop will take a screenshot of that frame and set it as the thumbnail for the canvas
  • Delete: you can delete the frame if you like

Presenting Frames

By selecting the present icon in the toolbar in the upper left, you can move into presentation mode. Once you do so, your presentation will take up the full screen. The order of your presentation will be determined by the order listed in the managing frames window.

There is a small arrow on the bottom of the page that when you click it, you can move forward or backward in your presentation or end it. You can also move forward or backward using the arrow keys and you can end your presenation with the escape key.

The key thing to realize is that the data and elements in your presentation are interactive and live. If you click on a chart, for example, you can drill down while presenting. You can change values in a sheetlet also while presenting and see the results reflected in other elements on the same slide or others in the presentation. You can also change prompt and filter settings during a presentation. This enables interactive data presentations that are distinguished from essentially static traditional presentations.

Managing Frames

By selecting the Manage Frames toolbar option, the managing frames window is opened. Here each frame is listed. In this panel you can re-order the frames to control your presentation flow. Additionally, if your presentation background was imported from a Powerpoint Slide deck, you can synchronize your canvas with that deck in Google Slides. This allows you to make later changes to those background slides and have them updated in Scoop.