Filtering Data

Scoop provides a robust ability to filter the data you are analyzing. When you begin to analyze a dataset, the entire dataset is what Scoop will summarize. To focus the summarization on a particular subset, you need to select the Filter tab in the left hand panel.

Here, you can click on the new Filter button to create a new filter.

You can then select an attribute from your dataset to filter by.

Once you do this, you can select values to include or exclude from your data.

For attributes, you can select equals, not equals or like. For like, you can enter a piece of text and as long as that text is contained somewhere in the field it will match. You can also use the search function to find specific values in datasets that have lots of values (high cardinality).

For numerical columns you can set comparison values (greater than, less than, etc.). And for date columns you can do something similar.