Loading a Spreadsheet
When loading a spreadsheet .xlsx file (either by uploading or by email), Scoop will analyze the contents of your spreadsheet attempt to extract tabular data.
Where does Scoop look for tabular data?
- When you upload a spreadsheet, or setup an email inbox, or connect to a live Google sheet, you have the opportunity to specify a named range to utilize. This is the best practice
- Identify the table of data you are interested in in your spreadsheet
- Create a named range
- Tell Scoop that is the range to use for your dataset. Note that named ranges can come in a couple of different forms. For example you could name a range A1:E5 which is a discrete range, but you can also name a range A:E which means to load everything in columns A through E. In this way, as you continue to add data, the range includes it automatically. Alternatively, you can specify a range which goes beyond your data to accommodate any future rows.
- If you do not have any Scoop ranges in your worksheet, Scoop will attempt to isolate tables from the first sheet in your spreadsheet workbook.
De-pivoting of Dates
A very common pattern in a spreadsheet is to have a series of attribute columns and then have a series of columns across the top that represent a single metric over many periods (say months). If those dates are proper dates (not date labels), Scoop will de-pivot those columns into a date attributes so that you can do analysis in Scoop over time.

In the example above, you can see this pattern. In the case where there is a single date series along the top, and the dates are actual dates (not text), Scoop will de-pivot those dates into rows which will allow you to analyze that data over time. By default, Scoop will create a new column with the name of your range as the metric.

And during upload:

Which then creates a Scoop dataset:

Allowing you to analyze your data flexibly:

Updated about 2 months ago